Thursday, June 21, 2007

Connecting the dots

Is the Failure of ODF in Massachusetts related to the question, “Is Open Source Dying?

eWeek has posted an interesting series of articles, “Is Open Source Dying from 1,000 Cuts? Among these is a good “connect the dots” story from Michael Hickins, “Is Open Source Dying?

Michael makes the interesting comment: “State and local governments have latched onto the idea that having their documents hostage to a single vendor, no matter how well-intentioned, might not be such a good idea. Dell recently jumped on the Linux bandwagon and is offering Ubuntu on its PCs. And Microsoft's attempt to have its partly-proprietary OOXML (Office Open XML) format rubber-stamped by a friendly standards body hasn't gone as smoothly as expected. ”

“But behind the scenes, things are not quite as rosy. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ..... broke important ground by mandating that state agencies switch to open-source platforms. There's just one problem: They can't seem to manage the transition. Sources close to the situation tell me that former state CIO Peter Quinn's resignation happened at least in part because of delaying tactics by vendors who publicly support open source but do their best to scuttle it behind the scenes”.

I wonder if Michael knows just how close he's coming to discovering a dark ODf suspicion that seems to grow by the day. Are big ODf vendors supporting ODf? Or are they trading away ODf Interoperability and implementation for sweet sweet deals with Microsoft?

Could the same thing be happening throughout Open Sourcedom?

I'm hardly alone in my thinking that once again, Sir Richard Stallman has been proven right. The big vendors are trouble. If not today, then likely at some point in the future when the interests of open source communities come into conflict with corporate interests.

Whether we're talking LiNUX, OpenDocument, or patent indemnification - interoperability deals with Microsoft, big vendors are willing to trade the efforts of open source communities as if they were just strategic corporate assets. It's not that big vendors mean opens source communities any harm. It's simply that they treat collaborative efforts in the same way they regard all corporate asset investments. Something that can be used for corporate advantage when the opportunity arises.

Everyone one of the big ODF vendors, with the exception of Google and Oracle, now has or is involved in an interoperability deal with Microsoft.

Sun cut their deal in 2004, and ODF interoperability has never been the same. Novel cut their deal in 2006, and now LiNUX vendors everywhere are being offered plump deals that require them to support and ship the Novell OfficeOpenXML Translator plugin for OpenOffice. The MS-Novell deal promises to put IBM hardware back into competition with Sun, and could be an explosive boon to the PowerPC 6 line of processors. The ability to run Microsoft applications is that important. Even if it is through a VM over SuSE LinNUX.

So far the tech media has focused on the patent indemnification – son of SCO aspects of the Microsoft interoperability deals. The patent threats however involve both LiNUX and, LiNUX desktop darling OpenOffice – which is also the OpenDocument champion. Time to connect the dots indeed.

The 2004 MS-Sun deal indemnified StarOffice, while leaving OpenOffice, the open source version of that same code base, hanging out to dry. Fast forward to the 2006 MS-Novell-IBM deal and we find that the Novell Office version of OpenOffice has been indemnified! Including both Windows and LiNUX versions. Very cool. That ends any thoughts Sun might have had about monetizing their $175 Million investment in the OpenOffice/StarOffice code base by invoking MS patent claims against OpenOffice as a pretext for migrating the entire OOo install – ODf user base to StarOffice.

The interesting thing to note is that with the continuing wave of Microsoft interop deals, we have all these big ODF - LiNUX vendors now supporting the full conversion of OpenOffice to a OfficeOpenXML application.

There's a list of links documenting Novell and Sun support for OfficeOpenXML here.

Meanwhile, many of these same big ODF vendors declined to support the ODF Plugin for MSOffice that the future of ODF in Massachusetts was riding on! After conducting a year long ODf Pilot Study, Massachusetts concluded that ODf plugins for MSOffice were the only way they could make the transition to ODf.

No doubt the plugin approach Massachusetts proposed was in serious conflict with the big vendor business plans behind the many desktop alternatives that bombed in the Pilot Study. So where Massachusetts was trying to figure out how to overcome the MSOffice bound business process barrier to successfully implement ODf, the big ODf vendors were more worried about their heavily invested corporate assets and plans. The thought of leaving MSOffice on the desktop, even if the documents and business processes were in fully compliant ODf, was too much for the big ODf vendor business plans to bear.

With Microsoft bringing on the political pressure, and eventually succeeding in cutting off his budget, Massachusetts CIO Louis Gutierrez had no choice but to turn to the big ODF vendors for support. Thinking that there was no way these vendors would ever let ODF fail in Massachusetts, Louis believed he could overcome the budget problem. He was wrong about the big ODf vendors. They left him hanging.

Shortly after Louis Gutierrez was notified by his selected group of big ODF Vendors that they would not support his community effort to develop an internal ODF plugin for MSOffice, Louis resigned. Of course, the ODf plugin was a comparatively small part of projects impacted by the lack of an approved IT budget. But the impact was big. They had serious HomeLand Security projects hanging in the balance because of Microsoft's determination to stop ODf.

The failure of ODF in Massachusetts has had global ramifications. In California the CIO's asked the question as to whether or not it's even possible to implement ODF? They all know about Massachusetts and the Pilot Study. In Europe, the IDABC has set out to create their own non big vendor - non big vendor standards consortia file format; a highly interoperable fork of ODF called ODEF; "OpenDocument Exchange Format". No big vendors, no ISO, no OASIS, no Ecma, no big vendor standards consortia of any kind were invited to the ODEF table.

So here we have the strange situation where the same big ODF vendors who declined to support an internal ODF plugin that would be able to convert 500 million MSOffice bound desktops to ODf, and save ODf in Massachusetts, are supporting OfficeOpenXML solutions. These same big vendors are making sweet sweet deals with Microsoft, agreeing to provide MS OfficeOpenXML ready versions of OpenOffice.

On the one hand they are against an ODf plugin for MSOffice. And on the other hand they are rushing to provide the OOXML plugin for their shipments of OpenOffice.

Doesn't make sense until you realize two things. The first is that the Microsoft anti trust settlement allowed Microsoft to commercialize the very same interoperability critically important to the goal of creating competitive markets for information technologies. It's hardly surprising that sooner of later Microsoft would be weaving that interoperability into the push and pull deal making fabric of these marketplaces exactly to stifle any threat of competition. First up; ODf and LiNUX. Once the first big vendor fell, the rest were doomed.

2004. Not a good year for ODf and Open Source.



Anonymous said...

An interesting read, but Sun just released their own plugin for Microsoft Office, which not only supports the word processor, but the spreadsheet and presentation software as well. Please see:;jsessionid=BF82C6D581777685BDF0FA989137F9D4


Anonymous said...

>> So here we have the strange situation where the same big ODF vendors who declined to support an internal ODF plugin that would be able to convert 500 million MSOffice bound desktops to ODf, and save ODf in Massachusetts, are supporting OfficeOpenXML solutions.

I think you are confused.

Two minor reasons why I think you are confused are...
(1) You seem to think that the MS plugin will allow documents to be preserved faithfully as ODF. This is not going to happen. No 500 million documents are going to become ODF through this method because it isn't in Microsoft's interest to make ODF look good and sufficient.
(2) Where did you get the 500 million number from. Openoffice has filters that do a very good job translating most documents that have been made through older versions of MS Office, but OOXML is a new phenomenon. MS Office 2007 is a new phenomenon.

The main reason I think you are confused is that control and income lies with whoever owns the platform. In this case, the "platform" is the office suite. If you, as an end user that values support for open standards (to preserve documents), have to pick which office suite to run, I think you would have a bias against the one that supports the more limited set of options, in particular if it doesn't support the most open of the competiting standards. Why then would Microsoft competitors help Microsoft develop a plug-in for ODF? On the other hand, of course IBM and Sun want to be able to support OOXML and every other format under the sky. This adds value to their products.

Remember that the first part of "embrace, extend, and extinguish" is embrace. Everyone wants to embrace and no one wants to be embraced by a competitor [ie, Sun/IBM want users to use ODF (even if accidently once they use Openoffice), but do not want Microsoft to support it; meanwhile Sun/IBM want to support OOXML, too). If Microsoft had not had success in the past in implementing the majority of various standards, they would have failed in the market place. There is a time when Microsoft can set the rules (extinguish) and there is a time when they can't and risk losing out (embrace). A time to embrace, a time to extinguish. Now is Microsoft's time to embrace ODF, so why would Microsoft's competitors help out?

ODF is not dying because it is an actual *open* standard (ISO at that) and is supported by great free software (Openoffice and many others). It's not going anywhere, especially since you can't starve out development for these products as Microsoft and others like to do to smaller competitors.

Something else to keep in mind. Why would anyone in their right mind trust a company that has been shown time and time again in court and through lopsided settlements to break the law in an effort to destroy competitors so that they can control pricing? Bail MS Office before you save too many formats in it and start converting to ODF using Openoffice.